Struggling to Support my Partner

Tuesday, April 18th, 2023

Couple holding hands struggling to support each other

It’s safe to say no relationship is perfect. Throughout our lives, we have to adapt because relationships evolve.

As we experience different things in life, our growth, perspectives and values can change, which can for many lead to differences in the relationship.

As we go through these rough patches sometimes it can be yourself who is struggling and at others times it might be your partner.

In today’s blog we’re going to be looking at how to best support your partner during these times, there are some brilliant and simple steps which you can follow to help you through.

1. Listen: One of the most important things you can do is to simply listen to your partner. Let them talk about their feelings and experiences without judgement or interruption. This will help them feel heard and understood.

2. Offer Support: Offer your partner emotional and practical support. This could be anything from a hug to helping them with tasks they may be struggling with.

3. Be Patient: It can take time for your partner to work through their issues. Be patient and understanding as they process their emotions.

4. Talk it Out: If you’re both comfortable, try to talk about the issues together. This can help you both gain a better understanding of the situation and come up with solutions.

5. Take Time for Yourself: It’s important to take time for yourself during these times. This will help you stay grounded and be better able to support your partner.

By following these steps, you can help your partner through these difficult times and strengthen your relationship.

When it gets tough, we all need to ensure we’re looking after ourselves and taking the right steps to self-care.

We would recommend The This Is Me Plan to both yourself and your partner to ensure you are maintaining your mental health, reducing stress and generally building upon your happiness.

You can’t be the best to others until you are the best to yourself first right?

If it is grief yourself and your partner are dealing with, can we also suggest to look through some of the brilliant advice and service from Cruse Bereavement Support – 

The This is Me Plan here at The Relationship Place helps you explore what you need in your life to be happy and the best version of you!

Learn more now by clicking on the Plan below.

At the Relationship Place we aim to give great relationship advice to all those in need, so if you think this blog post can help someone you know please do share it with them. You can find the share buttons at the bottom of the page.